A Heartwarming Visit to Dar San Nikola

In a heartwarming visit, AX Group’s CEO, Mr. Michael Warrington, along with representatives from AX Group’s CSR Committee, Ms. Josephine Grima Head of Human Resources – AX Group and Mr Mark Spiteri, Procurement Negotiator, recently visited Dar San Nikola, a children’s residential home in Hamrun.

This visit was a follow-up to the Group’s 2023 CSR initiative which involved AX Group employees coming together to give the home a fresh new look. The CSR Committee decided to extend AX Group’s support by performing refurbishment works required to the children’s sleeping and living quarters.

During their visit, the children accompanied by Ms. Yvonne Mallia, Director of Fondazzjoni Sebh, Ms. Martina Vassallo, Home Manager and Ms. Alexia Baldacchino, Children Services Manager, joyfully guided the team around their newly renovated spaces, proudly showing off their rooms. The day concluded on a high note, with the children expressing their gratitude by presenting a cake and a handmade card to Mr. Warrington, gestures that were deeply appreciated.

Reflecting on the visit, Mr. Warrington said, “Seeing the smiles on the children’s faces and hearing their laughter as they showed us their new rooms was incredibly heartwarming. Moments like these remind us of the importance of giving back to our community and the positive impact we can make.”


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