The employees at AX Group have recently spent some time at Dar San Nikola, a children’s residential home in Hamrun, giving the site a fresh new look to turn their house into a home. The initiative was held in collaboration with Fondazzjoni Sebh, a local NGO which provides children with safe housing and a nurturing environment to grow up in. AX Group recognises the important work that this organisation carries out, and, as a family-run company, is especially devoted to giving our utmost to help these children live healthy and happy lives in a place that they can call home. This all forms part of the Group’s commitment to ESG initiatives.


Staff from all of AX Group’s divisions supported this initiative by lending a hand at Dar San Nikola on multiple Saturdays in October and November with paintbrushes, paints and hammers in hand. Their roles included painting the corridor walls and doors and decorating the large hallway to brighten the space and give it a homey atmosphere. The children thanked us with a cake and a card, both of which were very appreciated by our employees!


If you’d like to learn more about the valuable work done by Fondazzjoni Sebh and offer support in any way, visit their website: