The AX Group’s yearly Long Service Employee Awards Night has grown into a highly anticipated occasion that aims to acknowledge employees and express gratitude for their unwavering commitment to the company across all divisions. AX Group is proud to have over 1000 employees across the divisions, working together to drive the company’s success. Our people are our greatest asset, and events like the AX Awards ceremony are an opportunity to recognize and appreciate their work.


In his speech, Mr Angelo Xuereb, Chairman of the AX Group, recognised the remarkable achievements of over 80 employees who have served the company for up to 35 years and expressed his appreciation for their long-standing loyalty to the company. During the ceremony held at Hilltop Gardens in Naxxar, the Chairman, Mr Angelo Xuereb, Chief Executive Officer, Mr Michael Warrington, Hospitality and Care Director, Ms Claire Zammit Xuereb, and Construction, Development and Real Estate Director, Ms Denise Micallef Xuereb, honoured employees who had demonstrated a long-standing commitment to the company.


Mr Michael Warrington said, “I firmly believe that our long-serving employees are the backbone of the company. Their tireless efforts have been instrumental in driving our continued success, and for that, I would like to express our sincere gratitude. “


Twelve members of staff were nominated for the Chairman’s Awards, holding senior management, management, and operative/administrative positions. These were Ms Francesca Bonnici, Mr Romeo Micallef, Mr Kefelegn Amerga, Ms Tania Muscat, Ms Marica Baldacchino, Ms Amy Anne Aquilina, Mr Charles Portelli, Mr Salvatore Villanti, Mr Brian Callus, Ms Pauline Lauria Danilin and Mr Moulhan Hajjar. Special recognition was given to Ms Camille Brincat for her loyalty, commitment, and dedication to go above and beyond, as she received the senior management award from Mr Xuereb. 


The night also featured recognition for a retiree, Mr Joseph Scicluna, who worked for over 40 years at AX Construction. The Lifetime Achievement Award for 2022 was awarded to Mr Tony Falzon, a valued and trusted Consultant who has worked with the company for decades. The recognition ceremony featured the introduction of the CSR/ESG award which was presented to Mr Joseph Borg and Mr Mark Spiteri for their priceless work for the AX Foundation in addition to multiple CSR initiatives. The ceremony was concluded with a donation of €5,609 to the AX Foundation. 


Congratulations to all awardees!