AX Care introduces a variety of measures to ensure the elderly’s mental health is safeguarded as much as their physical health


Covid-19 has brought unsettling times for everyone. Lifestyles had to change drastically across all generations and everyone had to adapt to a new situation, one way or another – not just in Malta but all over the world.


Here at AX Care, the elderly have always been our priority. In these times of profound uncertainty, our elderly stand amongst the most vulnerable if in contract with the virus. However, contracting the virus is not their only challenge. Relatives are prohibited from  visiting their loved ones during this critical time. Young and healthy people can also be carriers of the virus without their knowledge, and therefore, they can transmit the virus unwillingly to their vulnerable loved ones.


This scenario brings forward another hurdle; that of loneliness. When deprived from human contact, our elderly are subject to loneliness, depression and idleness. Their mental health is compromised and, here at AX Care, we are determined to help.


Firstly, residents are highly encouraged to communicate with their relatives at home via video conferencing. Relatives and visitors were also contacted personally to facilitate communication for those who wish to virtually interact with their loved ones using our own tablets. Our Events and Activities Manager, Kimberly Agius Cutajar, is in charge of setting up appointments with relatives to make sure that all calls are set up in a timely manner. Since some residents do not own their own smartphone or tablet, we wanted to make it easier, both for the residents and for their relatives, to make technology more accessible.


We are also providing “window chats” for our residents where they are able to speak to one relative from behind a window and communicate through a mobile phone. Here we can share tears of joy and relief as the residents manage to see their loved ones and loved ones are able to be reassured that their elderly relatives are ok. It is very touching to see what we often take for granted as such a valued moment during these times.


Michael Warrington, Chief Executive Officer of AX Group, claims that ‘it is a difficult time for all, but most of all, for our elderly. Most of our residents’ highlight of the day was a visit from their relatives. Since that was compromised in the current situation that we are living in, we wanted to create an environment that facilitated that challenge. While technology is sometimes seen as a complication, in this scenario, it will most likely be the saviour for people’s mental health. We will do everything in our power to safeguard our elderly’.


Charmaine Montesin, General Manager of AX Care, said ‘Our priority is and always will be to take care of our elderly holistically. This means not only taking care of them physically but also taking care of their psychological and social aspects. We have also always held the philosophy that the family is our partner in their relatives’ care and that is why, at this moment in time, we are doing everything we can to bring our residents and their families closer than ever, through any means of communication we can’.


AX Care, a sector that makes part of AX Group, encompasses two models of care. Hilltop Gardens, which is an independent living facility in which residents over 55 years of age can enjoy a relaxed retirement and Simblija Care Home, which is a facility care home where residents can receive tailor-made nursing and caring assistance according to their needs.